The "barn" Chronicles

Starting in 2018, the "barn" Chronicles is a bimonthly e-newsletter that highlights key faculty, staff, student, and alumni news at the School of Nuclear Engineering (NE). Legend has it that the unit ‘barn’ was established in 1942 by physicists M.G. Holloway and C.P. Baker while they were having dinner at the Purdue Memorial Union. They came up with the name because 10-24cm2 is "as big as a barn" for a nuclear reaction process. Professor Alex Sesonske (School Head, 1966-1973) taught in his class that the term came from the common Midwest expression, “someone was such a bad shot at hunting that they couldn't hit the broad side of a barn.”, implying that the probability of neutrons passing through nuclei to cause fission is so rare, their aim could be equated to that of bad hunters.

Issue 16, MAR/APR/MAY 2024


Issue 15, DEC/JAN/FEB 2024


Issue 14, MAY 2023


Issue 13, MAY/JUN/JUL 2022


Issue 12, FEB/MAR/APR 2022


Issue 11, AUG/SEPT 2021


Issue 10, MAR/APR 2021

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Purdue University Arch and sidewalk brick seal by the Union

Issue 9, JAN/FEB 2021

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Issue 8, AUG/SEPT 2019


Issue 7, JUN/JUL 2019

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